Since Ella is going to be here in a matter of weeks I thought I'd post some about the showers that were thrown for us!
The first shower was a family and family friends shower thrown by my Mom, Mother-in-law Jo-Jo and Sister-in-law Ashlie. They did an amazing job! We had it at our new house since it was kind of a central location for everyone. We had lots of travelers coming from Brett's home town. My Aunt helped by making the punch and bringing her beautiful crystal, and Kirby helped by making the cutest cake for a baby shower EVER! HA!
We had a great turn out, almost 30 people! The boys went down to our community dock and fished the day away while we enjoyed food, games, presents, and good times! It was the first "girly" shower I have ever had since we only did couples showers when we got married. So I really enjoyed having all the important women in my life together at one time! Thanks guys for an amazing shower, it was beautiful and I will always cherish it! I love yall! Here are some pics from that shower.
The second shower was our friends/couples shower thrown by my besties Andrea and Lauren. They also did an amazing job! We decided that since I had a girly shower already we would have a fun one where the boys could come too. So we had it at Andrea's house since she has an awesome pool and turned it into an all day party where we swam and had a cookout. While the girls were inside playing games and opening presents the boys were out by the pool drinking beer and having fun. When the girls were done, we joined them outside for swimming and volleyball. Everyone got a kick out of me in my bikini. Fun times, fun times! I refused to wear a maternity suits cause they are just not too cute and I looked like I was wearing a tent! So I opted for a regular ole' 2 piece.
The night ended around 10 pm and I was exhausted! It was such a fun shower, and I think the most fun I have ever had at a baby shower! Thanks guys, I love you! Here are some pics of that shower.
The last shower was a small shower at my office. I work at a proprietary school so we didn't want to disrupt the students so we held it in between day and evening classes. Ashlie ( sis-in-law who works for me) put this shower together. We had some food and yummy cake and opened presents. Since we were at work we tried not to spend too much time on the shower since we were on the clock and all! HA! After opening presents all my co-workers gave me awesome advise and told funny stories about forgetting their kids in weird places or walking out of the house and leaving their infant in the car seat all strapped up and ready to go! Lol! Thanks guys... it made me feel a lot better knowing all of you made mistakes and had bumps along the way in raising your kiddos! Thank you Ashlie and my co-working family for an awesome shower! Here are some pics from this shower.
Well there you have it... 3 showers down and all we need now is a baby to use all the fun stuff on! I am so grateful to have so many people in my life that love me, and more importantly already love Ella so much! We are truly blessed!! Thanks to everyone that had a hand in making all our showers so awesome, you are much appreciated!
Next post, belly pictures from beginning to end! You get to see how much I have really grown over the last 9 months!
Park City Utah
2 years ago