I just realized that I never did finish her Birth Story, and I really want to! I want to do it for Ella. I want her to be able to read about her birth someday. I am a reallllyy bad blogger, and probably wont ever get any better. But I at least want to finish my Birth Story before Ella can drive. lol
So last I left you, the nurse told me that whenever I felt like I was ready to push to call her. Well the epi was kinda working, and I was feeling ok. So we were just hanging out with the family. Chatting, taking pics and thinking about what our sweet Ella would look like when she came. At some point during this time they started wheeling in all the equipment. They flipped down this GIANT light from the ceiling. I felt like I was on the set of a movie with all the lighting that was being set up! lol They also brought in the warmer and weighing station for when she was born. Along with the cart with all the tools. Yikes! Don't look at those!!
We sat around for probably 30 mins to an hour. Then it hit me... I need to push! So said "Guys, I kinda feel like I need to push. Can someone call the nurse?" That was all it took... my Father in Law and best friend Lauren were fighting over who could get out the door faster!! HAHA Everyone gave me a kiss and wished me luck and off they went to the waiting room.
My doctor had told me only 2 people aside from me could be in the delivery room, which really upset me. I wanted Brett, my mom, my mother in law and my photographer in the room. I had paid all this money for the photographer and she wasnt even going to be in the room! We assumed that as soon as the nurse came in and I started pushing they would kick out my MIL and Keri (photographer). But she came strolling in and didn't say a word!! So we didn't say anything either.
So the nurse started getting everything ready and checked me again. She said that Ella had dropped and we were gonna start getting ready to push. I had always thought that I was going to be really nervous about this part. The whole pregnancy I was so stressed about the actual delivery. But for whatever reason I was not really nervous at all. Maybe it was the adrenaline that was flowing through me, but whatever it was I am glad I wasn't nervous! Now this might start getting a little TMI but they start "stretching" you out down there so you don't tear as badly. So she started doing her thing to me, and she also taught me how to position myself and hold my legs. Then she taught Brett and my mom how to hold my legs/feet and how to count. Every time I had to push Brett would count to 10, but he couldn't count fast. I remember pushing and wanting him to count faster and she kept telling him to slow down! lol

So after some tips on how to push more effectively I was well on my way to meeting my angel. She told me not to look at the monitor to see when I was contracting, just push when I felt the need. Which did feel like it was ALL the time! HA! At first she wasn't happy with the progress I was making pushing, but eventually I got the hang of it and started pushing better. Let me just add in, Brett was soooo great during this process. He was encouraging and comforting and praising me constantly. He had one leg, my mom had the other, JoJo was up by one side of my head kinda in the corner, and my photographer was kinda walking around getting pictures from all angles (except the bad angles! ha).
After about 20-30 minutes of pushing Brett started being able to see her head! He was SO excited about that. He kept telling me, "OH MY GOD, there she is!!She is so close Leila, keep going!!" And then after I quit pushing her head would disappear. After about 10 mins of that he said her head would just stay in view even in between pushes. I will never forget the thrill and excitement in his voice. And my mom, well she was just beside herself too. Everyone was so ready to meet her. At one point my mom needed a break from holding my leg and told JoJo she could step in for a few minutes if she wanted to. Talk about getting to know your daughter in law a little better!! HAHA! She was right in there, and let me tell you. I could have cared less who was in that room at that moment, so it didn't bother me at all!
Finally after about 30-40 mins of pushing the nurse told me we were getting really close and she was going to get the Dr soon. She said when I tell you to stop pushing, stop. So I was mid-push, Brett was doing his counting thing and was at probably "6" and she said STOP! WHAT?? I have 4 more seconds and I really needed to keep pushing! Ok, I will try to stop pushing! Finally in walks the Dr, and he gets in position and we resume pushing again. By the way, let me mention there was A LOT of pain during all this. There was no epi left and I am pretty sure I was feeling EVERYTHING. I was crying a lot and screaming a little (which I don't remember much of).
I was getting really close to getting her out and Brett kept telling me how much he could see of her head. I remember him saying "Oh I can see a little curl in her hair!" The Dr gave Brett the scissors to cut the umbilical cord and I said "Does someone have the cord blood kit??". We had decided that we were going to bank Ella's cord blood, and well apparently the Dr had no idea! He said "Oh we are banking??" YES!!!! Thank goodness I said something because if I hadn't it wouldn't have been done and I would have been so mad! So they got the kit ready to bank her cord blood.
Then it hit.... the RING OF FIRE. For those of you who don't know, its what we mom's experience when the baby is right on the verge of being born. It feels like what it sounds like. Intense pain!! Well the Dr said I am going to give you a little shot to numb you. I just assumed it was because she was almost out and he was going to do me a favor. Well apparently he decided that I needed some assistance and he gave me an episiotomy, which I did NOT want. Remember my Dr was out of town and she knew what I wanted and didn't want. This Dr didn't know anything about me and didn't bother to ask! I didn't know until way after Ella was born that he had cut me, but once he did it, she came right out!! At 10:05 pm Ella Lynn Thornburg entered the world. 50 minutes after starting to push and almost exactly 14 hours after my first contraction of the morning. Wow.

Let me tell you, it was pretty much the most indescribable, unbelievable moment in my life when they laid her on my chest. Like the entire world just stood still when I looked at her face. She opened her eyes and that was it... I was gone, I was in another world... Ella's World. I had told the Dr that unless something was wrong with her I didn't want them to take her from me. I wanted to keep her on my chest for as long as possible. (I had read that having that initial contact with mom and baby is very important and I didn't want them rushing her off to clean her and weigh her). Thank goodness they didn't take her. What was odd was she wasn't really crying. They listened to her and said she sounded ok, but she just was kinda quietly whining. So they started hitting her under the arm to try to get her to clear the crap from her lungs and start crying. She eventually cried a little but never really went into full on crying.

They cleaned her off while she was laying on my chest. And there she stayed for probably 45 minutes. The Dr did his thing and got me cleaned up and the nurses finally asked if they could take her to weigh her. I guess... I don't want her out of my arms!! I finally let them take her and they weighed her, 7 lbs 2 ounces and 19.25 inches long. Brett was in awe of her as much as I was. We shared many kisses and tears during the first hour of her life. Thankfully JoJo was videotaping during this time because its kinda like your wedding day. It goes by so fast and then in the end you can hardly remember anything!

Watching Brett hold Ella for the first time is a moment I will never forget. I bawled like a baby. It was a dream. We had tried for almost a year to have her, and then here she was. It was unreal. The my mom and JoJo took turns holding her. Watching my mom hold her was another great moment... she has wanted a grandchild for a VERY long time. And now she had one.

She came out a hungry girl so I tried to breastfeed, but she didn't latch on immediately. Apparently my family in the waiting room was about to tear down the door to get in there. Nurses were coming in telling us that they were going insane and getting impatient. So we decided to let everyone in and then try to feed her again after that. Come on in and meet ELLA!!
A rush of people came in. First to my bed was my dad, my sister in law Ashlie and my father in law Al. They were all beyond excited. Ashlie and I cried together of course. We grew VERY close during my pregnancy and the moment when she saw Ella will also stay in my mind forever. The list of family members that were there were: My Grandparents from Iran, my Aunt Effy and her husband Todd, Lauren and Richard, Andrea, and of course my parents, Brett's parents and Ashlie.

After everyone got their turn with her people started slowly leaving. I worked on feeding her again and she latched right on!! Thank goodness. And what a weird feeling!! Eventually I got up and used the bathroom (something they make you do before you get moved into your postpartum room). And we got everything moved over to our new home for the next 2 days. I WAS STARVING. Richard and Lauren were nice enough to go get food... Whataburger!! HA! My mom, Lauren and Richard, and Ashlie were the only ones who stayed with us until we got moved to our new room. It was late and everyone had to work the next day. I am still so thankful that everyone stayed out past their bedtime to experience the first moments of Ella's life with us.
She is the most amazing thing in this world... cant really put into words the feelings I have for her. Now at a year old, she is into everything and driving me crazy. But I wouldn't change anything!! She is running around the house, talking up a storm (she has a vocabulary of a 2 year old! lol the Dr is highly impressed)and is pretty much running every one's life that is around her!
Ella Lynn, your Mommy and Daddy are so very thankful for you. We thank God for you every single day. Thank you for completing our lives.