Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I think this might be it!!

Alright things are definitley getting more intense!Contractions are averging about 5 mins apart and they reaaally hurt! I called Brett and he is on his way home from work. I called my nurse and she said to come on in and let them check me. If I am dilated more then they will go ahead and admit me :)

Contractions are so intense I cant think about anything but breathing through them. They have also started to go into my lower back. Ella has been pretty quiet today. She has moved a little but not like usual... thats another good sign.

I'll keep updating as I can!!


So yesterday I had my last Dr appt!!! He checked me and said I was just a little over a 1. WHAT?? I have been at a 1 for like 2 weeks! lol He also said I was 90% effaced and -1 station. For those of you who arent sure what station is it goes like this:
-4 = she is still floating around
0 = she is fully down into the boney pelvis
+4 = crowing and she is about to come out

So EVERYTHING is right except I am not dilating! He said my cervix is "favorable". Meaning all we need is some good contractions to dilate me. He said he was going to stir things up to see if he could get things going. Basically the same thing my Dr. did last week. On my way home I had some MAJOR cramps, but once I got home they pretty much went away. I had a normal day of irregular not intense contractions.

Late last night and this morning I woke up several times to some cramps but I was half asleep and just thought it was what I call "poo-poo cramps". Then about 8 this morning I got up to try to go poo and realized they were not poo-poo cramps, but contractions. And boy are they real ones! I have been charting them since about 8 this morning, and they are averaging about 7 mins apart. Some are closer some are farther...but 7 mins is the average. They are more intense than ANY other contraction I have ever had. I have to stop what I am doing and breathe through them.

Could this be it??? I dont know... but I am going to shower and get ready just in case it is :) Check back, I will try to keep yall updated on if things progress, or slow down!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Due date...comes and probably goes...

Well today is my official due date. July 19th...I don't think its going to be Ella's birthday. I keep telling her its her birthday and to get out, but she isn't listening. Maybe I should start telling her I DON'T want her to come, and she'll do the opposite :)

Just a little update on my progression... Last Tuesday after my Dr stripped my membranes I had a lot of cramping and a lot of contractions. I also went walking around walmart for 2 hours to help get things going (its too hot to walk outside). That night some of the contractions were pretty intense so I thought it was going to work. Then I lost my mucus plug the next day on Wednesday (sorry, its gross I know) so I really thought that it would happen by the end of the weekend.

Well, the contractions became more infrequent and less intense. Then Thursday evening I thought maybe I was leaking water because of some symptoms I was having. So I called the Dr and they told me to come in so they could test it. So Friday morning I went to see the on call Dr (since mine is still out of town). He ran the tests and said it was negative, that I wasn't leaking water. He also checked me and guess what?? I was still only dilated to a 1!! WHAT?? After all the progress I felt like I was making and nothing has changed since Tuesday? He told me not to be disappointed cause she would come whenever she was ready, and I could go from a 1 to a 10 in hours.

So I decided to remain as positive as I could. And that's where I am now! I am staying positive! We made it through the weekend without much to report. Still had a bunch of random contractions, some intense some not so much.

Today I am having a lot more contractions than usual, and most of them are on the intense side :) Hopefully that means that something is happening and tomorrow at my Dr appt he will tell me that I am dilated a little more. Right now I am sitting here watching my stomach roll around... she is just going wild in there :)

Oh and some more exciting was my last day at work!! I went in for a few hours this morning to get some things done and now I am at home doing some work stuff from home. Its nice to be able to work from home, now that I am giant and its 100 million degrees outside. Gotta love Texas! Anyhow, that's about all I have to report for now! Check back soon, hopefully I will have good news tomorrow :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cutest nursery ever, for the cutest baby ever!

Well since Ella is still chillin' and not ready to come out yet I thought I'd post some pics of her nursery since its the cutest nursery EVER!!

When we found out she was a girl, I started prowling the Internet for cute, non-baby looking bedding. I am not a fru-fru pink most of you know I love purple. So naturally I decided to go with purple as the room color. I didn't want anything cartoony looking if that makes any sense, I wanted something more...well modern. You know what I found out?? Its NOT an easy thing to find! Its like the world expects you to do pink if you are having a girl! Didn't you hear me? I don't want pink! lol There was just not a lot of options when it came to finding modern looking purple bedding.

Then I found it... it was perfect! But it was also pretty expensive! So I started searching and found a lady that sells this designer on ebay for a discount, and the package included more than I had originally planned on buying for less than the basic package! SCORE!! So after going back and forth on whether or not to buy bedding online without laying my hands on it (to make sure the quality was good) I finally just clicked the "buy" button and hoped for the best!

A week later it came in the mail, and it was perfect!! Even cuter then it was online! YAY!! So now we needed to paint. Of course we just bought this brand new house, and the walls were already painted a neutral color...were we going to be brave enough to paint the walls purple?? My hubby was a little scared since we don't have a lot of painting experience that it was going to end in disaster.

So we went to home depot and chose our colors... purple and green. My in laws were at our house that day so we decided to get started with them there....

After we did the little accent walls in green we realized, hey we are pretty good painters! My inlaws left, except my sister in law and we decided that we should just go ahead and do the purple wall too.

I had been saying I wanted to hire a muralist to come over and paint the flowers from the bedding on the walls that we didnt paint. My mom said she had just the person to do it, and that would be her present to Ella. So we called up Beth, my moms friend that she used to work with...and man that was the best decision ever! Beth was amazing! She spent 2 days straight painting up a storm and the outcome is just simply amazing! Ella will have the cutest nursery in the world, and it will last for years to come, since its not a baby-ish theme.

Of course we have added several things since these pics were taken... my glider, area rug, and some stuff on the walls. But you get the idea, although pics do it NO justice! I got her furniture from JC Penny's and it was on sale. Score again! Its a conversion crib, so it turns into a toddler bed, and then a full size bed. So it should last a long time!

I am so in love with her room, and I go sit in there and just rock in the chair sometimes :) I cant wait for her to be here so she can see her awesome room!

Oh I forgot my photographer took some pics of her room when she did our maternity pics (I'll post those soon too). Here are the ones she did...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Will it work?!

Ok, so the dr appointment today went pretty good. I am dilated to a solid 1 and 80% effaced. She stripped my membranes and we are hoping that it pushes me into labor. So come on regular contractions!!!! If nothing happens then I have an appointment next Tues with another doctor from the practice and I am scheduled to be induced next Friday the 23rd at 6:00 am. I reaaally don't want to have to be induced so please pray that labor starts on its own before then!

So far nothing much going on, a little bit of cramping. That's about it :)

Check back soon for any updates!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tick Tock, Tick Tock....

Ok Ella, its time to come out!! I am exactly one week from my due date, and boy am I ready! Its not that I am miserable like a lot of women at this stage in pregnancy, its that I am just ready to meet her and have my body back! Well whatever my new body will be, not the old one :( I am ready to be able to get up out of chairs and the bed with minimal effort. I am ready to be able to see my feet, and for my feet to not be the size of Africa! I am ready to not have to make 100 trips to the bathroom everyday (and night), and more and anything else I AM READY TO MEET MY DAUGHTER!!!

Luckily I am still sleeping like a rock, and not having many problems. I have A LOT of braxton hicks contractions.... A LOT. And some are getting pretty intense... I am wondering of those are real ones?! Sometime the bh contractions are so frequent and consistent I can time them and they can be anywhere from 5-8 mins apart for several hours, but then they just go away.

Last Wednesday at my appointment my Dr said I was "very very effaced, and dilated about 1/2 a cm". Ok thats not a lot, but hey its definitely good progress! She said Ella had moved down a lot and she could touch her head when she was checking me. Too cool! I told her to tap her on the head and tell her to get out :) So she said that if at this week's appointment (which is tomorrow at 11am) if I am dilated to at least a 2 then she will scrape my membranes and try to push me into labor before she goes out of town. Because as luck would have it my Dr. is going to be out of town from July 15th-July 22nd! Of COURSE I just know Ella is going to come while she is gone and I am going to have to deal with some Dr. that I don't know and has no idea what I want and expect from labor and delivery.

So anyhow, we are hoping that by scraping my membranes it will be enough to start the contractions and get this show on the road!! For those of you who aren't sure what that means it was explained to me like this...Once you start dilating every time you touch the cervix it releases oxytocin which is what dilated you and makes you contract essentially putting you into labor. So by going in and scraping the outside of the cervix it will release a lot of oxytocin, and for some women it triggers labor. For some women it doesn't do anything and it still takes weeks to go into labor. Lets pray I am NOT one of those women!

My Dr. said that if I don't have Ella this week then I will see one of her partners in the practice next week and they can schedule me to be induced next Friday when my Dr comes back in town. I really don't want to be induced so please send your thought and prayers to me that it happens on its own!

This weekend my Grandparents made the 18 hour flight from Iran to witness the birth of their first Great Grandchild! I only get to see them every few years and they haven't been here since our wedding. So yesterday we went and hung out with them, my dad, aunt & uncle, and cousins which is always a good time! I recently bought a new awesome Nikon 5000 camera and brought it with me to take some pics of me and my belly with my Grandparents. Once I download the pics I'll post some :)

So now I am at work, hopefully today will be my last day here!! And hopefully my next post will be to tell you that scraping the membranes worked and I am having some real contractions!!

Your Mommy and Daddy are so very very excited to meet you! We already love you more than you will ever know. You also have a TON of family members and friends that are dying to meet you... I am pretty sure that both of your Grandma's are sleeping with one hand on the phone waiting for me to call them and tell then you are on your way to see us! So come on out, there is a lot more room out here than in my tummy and its a lot more fun out here too!! Oh and one more thing... please be nice to me in delivery because I am a little nervous about that part! HA!

I love you so very much,
Your Mommy

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Baby bump and what does she look like?

So I figured that I would post some pics of my growing bump so you can see how big I have gotten over time. When the first picture was taken I remember thinking "Wow, I am starting to get big!". HAHA,that is hilarious when I look back!What week do you think I popped?! Also we moved inthe middle of all this so there are some weeks that went undocumented.

15 weeks
16 weeks
17 weeks
18 weeks
19 weeks
20 weeks
21 weeks
26 weeks (new house)
28 weeks
30 weeks (in Ella's new room!)

I have gotten really bad about taking pics, mostly cause I am huge and dont feel so cute anymore! I'll try to get better eventhough I am 37 weeks and almost done!!

We decided to get a 3/4 D songogram done at 28 weeks. It was amazing! We went to a place called Stork Vision and they were so great! The room was set up likea living room, couches for all the family to sit and be comfortable and a flat screen TV so everyone could see our baby perfectly. My parents, Bretts parents, Ashlie and Lauren all came with us. I drank toooons of water the week before in hopes it would increase the fluid around Ella so we got a really good view of her. It worked! We got some of the most amazing pictures!

And here is a video of her moving around in there too!