Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So yesterday I had my last Dr appt!!! He checked me and said I was just a little over a 1. WHAT?? I have been at a 1 for like 2 weeks! lol He also said I was 90% effaced and -1 station. For those of you who arent sure what station is it goes like this:
-4 = she is still floating around
0 = she is fully down into the boney pelvis
+4 = crowing and she is about to come out

So EVERYTHING is right except I am not dilating! He said my cervix is "favorable". Meaning all we need is some good contractions to dilate me. He said he was going to stir things up to see if he could get things going. Basically the same thing my Dr. did last week. On my way home I had some MAJOR cramps, but once I got home they pretty much went away. I had a normal day of irregular not intense contractions.

Late last night and this morning I woke up several times to some cramps but I was half asleep and just thought it was what I call "poo-poo cramps". Then about 8 this morning I got up to try to go poo and realized they were not poo-poo cramps, but contractions. And boy are they real ones! I have been charting them since about 8 this morning, and they are averaging about 7 mins apart. Some are closer some are farther...but 7 mins is the average. They are more intense than ANY other contraction I have ever had. I have to stop what I am doing and breathe through them.

Could this be it??? I dont know... but I am going to shower and get ready just in case it is :) Check back, I will try to keep yall updated on if things progress, or slow down!

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