Well here we are again! Continuing with Our Story. So I just found out I was pregnant, and I had to leave to go to work and pretend like it was a normal day. I really wanted to wait and tell Brett in person in some super cool way. So off to work I go, just beaming sunshine! I made my normal call to Brett on the way to work, but I was so afraid I'd slip or he'd be able to tell something was going on by the sound of my voice so I kept the call really short.
I honestly have no clue how I got through that day. It was all I could think about! And since I didn't want to tell anyone before Brett I kept it my secret all day... but I would say it out loud in my office by myself just so I could say it. "I'm pregnant!!" hahaha! "Holy Crap! I am PREGNANT!!!" I started googling "Cool ways to tell your husband you are pregnant". I came up with like 100 different things I could do, but none of them really sounded good. I get off work at 6:00, but if you know me you know I never leave work on time...I am doing good to get out by like 6:30-6:45. Not that day!! I was shutting off the computer at 5:59! lol
On my way home I was going through all the options of how to tell Brett. Cook a meal of everything "baby" size, write it on my belly with lipstick, all the silly things I read online. But since it was eating me alive I decided to just keep it simple.
I got home, gave him a quick kiss and went to change. Put on my lounging pants and slid the positive test in the waist band and covered it with my shirt. Brett was busy playing PlayStation so he wasn't paying too much attention. I went and sat next to him and asked him to pause it. He did. I said, "I have something for you" and he said "Oh yeah?". With my hands shaking like a leaf I pulled the positive test out and handed it to him. For a second he took it and was like, what am I supposed to do with this? He hadn't looked down at it to see the word "PREGNANT" on the test. So I said, "IM PREGNANT!!". He said with a huge smile "NO WAY!!!" and he looked down at the test. I turned on the bright overhead light so he could see it better and said yes I am!! Of course I was bawling, and he was just smiling from ear to ear...oh and there was lots and lots of hugging! I told him about my morning and how the first cheap test showed a faint line and all that jazz. He was so proud that I went all day long without telling anyone. I am not known for keeping exciting secrets! It was a wonderful night of smiles, hugs, and celebration! We were finally going to have our little family!
We had always talked about how we would tell our family. I really wanted to tell our families together. We wanted to wait until we had a doctor appt to get confirmation, and my appt was the next day. Well Thanksgiving was coming up in a few weeks so we decided to wait and tell everyone on Thanksgiving. Damn, how are we going to go a few weeks without telling our moms??? Thats going to be impossible!
I went to the doctor the next day and did the blood test, and then scheduled an appointment for a few days later to go see the Dr. In between those 2 appointments I took several more at home test just to make sure! lol I finally got to my Dr appt where they would tell me if in fact I was pregnant... man I was so excited! Brett couldn't get off work so I went alone. As soon as I signed in the receptionist told me to go pee in a cup before my appointment, and to continue to do so for every appointment from here on out. So does that mean the blood test came back positive?? The nurse came in and did the blood pressure thing, and asked if this was my first baby? I said "Yes, and does that mean the test was positive?" She said "OH, you haven't gotten your results yet?" I told her no, and asked if they were positive? She said, "Well I'll let the doctor go over all that with you." UGGGHH!! Just someone tell me yes! Even though I was like 99.9% sure, I needed to hear someone say it! lol So the Dr comes in with a huge smile on her face and says "HI Leila!! You're pregnant!!" and gives me a giant hug!! We went over all the stuff I needed to know and scheduled my next appointment for a month.
Fast forward to Thanksgiving... Yep that means we made it through the few weeks without telling our parents!! Now we did tell a few friends before then, we just couldn't hold it in! But we kept it as quiet as possible. So I charged my video camera the day before Thanksgiving and had a plan on how we were going to do it. Brett's mom, dad, sister and uncle were there and then my mom showed up. I wanted to tell all of them before the rest of the family got there. I wanted it to be a small intimate group of people and not aunts, cousins etc. So there we were all standing around in the kitchen talking, cooking and all that. I got the video camera out and started taping. I said "Here we are at Thanksgiving 2009 at Brett and Leila's. Say Hi everyone!" they all said hi to the camera. The I asked my mom "Mom, what are you thankful for this year?" She said "I am thankful for my daughter's happiness!" Wow, she doesn't even know how good of an answer that was! lol Then once again with my hand shaking like a leaf, I panned back to try to get everyone in the shot and said, "Y'all know what I am thankful for?" they replied, what? "I am thankful that I am PREGNANT!!". The look on their faces was so priceless!! No one had expected me to say that! My mom didn't move a muscle, just stood there speechless. And if you know my mom she is NEVER speechless! (that's where I get it from I guess)My sister-in-law just stood there with her mouth hanging open and my mother-in-law ran towards me to hug me with excitement! I was so glad I captured it all on film, our baby will be so glad to be able to watch it someday.
It was the most amazing Thanksgiving that any of us have ever had. We had so much fun telling family members as they came over that day. Later that evening we went to Thanksgiving dinner at my Aunts on my dad's side and told my dad. I swear he kinda knew already. I guess I am too easy to read! We then made all our phone calls to friends to share the news...all in all it was just the most perfect day.
Well that concludes today's post! Next time I will finish catching y'all up to speed (hopefully). We have had a few more major things happen in our life since the baby came in the picture. I'll also get to the belly pics, and the sonogram pics soon too! Promise!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
Omg, Leila!!! I love this!! The story of how you got pregnant/told Brett/told family is great -- Im over here boo-hooing and Pete & Dylan are looking at me like Im a crazy person! Can't wait to meet Ella!!!!!