Friday, April 23, 2010

Our Story- Part 3

Ok, so when I last left you I had made the appointment to see what the deal was with me not getting pregnant. It was a pretty good Dr. appt... she told me that I have a fairly common disorder called PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. In a nutshell it means that I have a lot of very small benign cysts all over my ovaries, which keeps me from ovulating and makes have a regular cycle close to impossible. It not very dangerous but there is no cure. So wait... we have been "trying" for almost a year and I have NEVER even ovulated?! NOPE! What a waste!

Good news? Its still totally possible to get pregnant with the help of some good ole' medical intervention. The weird thing is, aside from irregular cycles I don't have any of the symptoms of PCOS. I am not overweight (well not a lot anyway), I don't have acne, I don't have a lot of facial hair, and the biggest one...I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic. A very high percentage of women with PCOS are at least pre-diabetic if not full blown. I am super lucky!! So what do I need to do to fix this so I can ovulate and get pregnant? Answer, take a diabetic medicine called Metformin. Wait, I thought you said I am NOT diabetic?! Nope I am not, but that's still the meds they gave me to fix this problem! My Dr. also wanted to go ahead and put me on a round of fertility meds called Clomid. Its just a small pill that you take for 5 days during specific days of your cycle.

So I started on Metformin and 4 days later my cycle came. WOW, that worked fast!! So on day 5-9 I took my fertility meds and then I scheduled a sonogram appointment for a week later. This is because the Dr. wanted to see what my ovaries looked like to see if the Clomid was working. It would also show if I was going to ovulate or if I still had all the cyst. If I still had all the cyst I would have to do another round of Clomid the following month. So the sonogram showed that one of my ovaries looked pretty good! I had a nice size follicle that was growing. For those who don't know what that means... every month your ovary grows a follicle (or cyst) and when it breaks that releases your egg and that's when you ovulate. So I had to schedule another sonogram for 2 days later to measure the size of the follicle to see if it was going to be big enough for proper ovulation. So I went back and the sonographer was soooo excited! She said, oh it looks awesome! I think this may be the one that gets you pregnant!!

I was excited but not as much as her... I didn't want to get my hopes up. I mean what are the chances that after just ONE round of fertility pills and one ovulation that I would get pregnant?! We pretty much knew when I was going to ovulate, but I went ahead and peed on one of those over the counter ovulation kits just so we would have an exact time. Well I was super stoked to get a positive ovulation result... I had NEVER experienced that before! So that was it, I knew I was ovulating... lets get to work on making that baby!! I called my Dr and she said that if I didn't start my cycle in 2 weeks to take a pregnancy test.

Well a little less than 2 weeks later on Tuesday November 10, 2009 I took a test before I went to work.... STUPID NEGATIVE AGAIN!! Damn! Oh well, its still kinda early... I'll take another one on Saturday. Well I couldn't wait that long...Thursday morning I thought what the hell the tests are only $1 I'll take another one. So Thursday November 12, 2009 I woke up and peed in my little cup (the cheap $1 store ones you have to pee in a cup and use a dropper to drop the pee on the test strip). As I waited on the test I turned the shower on and then looked at the test.... OMG ANOTHER NEGATIVE!!! I was definitely disappointed. I poured out my pee cup and started brushing my teeth. A min later I glanced down at the stupid negative test.... wait is that a faint line?? CRAP!! IS THAT A FAINT LINE?? I need to take another test on one of my high dollar test. CRAP!! I poured my pee out!!

So I took a fast shower and stared chugging water. I wasn't going to go to work until I had taken another test to see if it was a faint positive line or just my imagination. So I get ready for work... totally ready to go. I THINK I might be able to pee again. Lets try... So I tried. This time using one of the test that says it works 5 days early and it actually says the words "PREGNANT" or "NOT PREGNANT". That 30-60 seconds watching the hour glass on the display was the longest time in my life. But when that hour glass went away the word PREGNANT came up!!!!! WHAT???? Holy cow, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG! I started crying and hysterically laughing at the same time. My dog was sitting there staring at me like I was crazy! Where is Brett?! AT WORK! Now what?! I am NOT going to tell him over the phone... does that mean I am going to have to go to work and not tell a soul all day?!

Well that concludes today's post... My fingers are tired. I'll be back soon to continue on Our Story. At least you all know what we went through to get our precious baby! We couldn't be more excited. Stay tuned to see how I told Brett he was going to be a dad, and to see what happens next!

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